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Aborted(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Aborted(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
AbstractKuduScannerBuilder<S extends AbstractKuduScannerBuilder<? super S,T>,T> - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Abstract class to extend in order to create builders for scanners.
addBinary(int, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add binary data with the specified value.
addBinary(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add binary data with the specified value, from the current ByteBuffer's position to its limit.
addBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add binary data with the specified value.
addBinary(String, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add binary data with the specified value, from the current ByteBuffer's position to its limit.
addBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a boolean for the specified column.
addBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a boolean for the specified column.
addByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a byte for the specified column.
addByte(String, byte) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a byte for the specified column.
addColumn(ColumnSchema) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a new column.
addColumn(String, Type, Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a new column that's not nullable.
addColumnRangePredicate(ColumnRangePredicate) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
addColumnRangePredicatesRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
addDate(int, Date) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a sql.Date for the specified column.
addDate(String, Date) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a Date for the specified column.
addDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a Decimal for the specified column.
addDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a Decimal for the specified column.
addDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an double for the specified column.
addDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an double for the specified column.
addFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an float for the specified column.
addFloat(String, float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an float for the specified column.
addHashPartitions(List<String>, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a set of hash partitions to the table.
addHashPartitions(List<String>, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a set of hash partitions to the table.
addHashPartitions(List<String>, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema
Add a level of hash sub-partitioning for this range partition.
addInt(int, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an int for the specified column.
addInt(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an int for the specified column.
addLong(int, long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an long for the specified column.
addLong(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add an long for the specified column.
addNullableColumn(String, Type) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a new column that's nullable and has no default value.
addNullableColumn(String, Type, Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a new column that's nullable.
addObject(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add the specified column's value as an Object.
addObject(int, Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add the specified column's value as an Object.
addPredicate(KuduPredicate) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Adds a predicate to the scan.
addRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a range partition to the table with an inclusive lower bound and an exclusive upper bound.
addRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow, RangePartitionBound, RangePartitionBound) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a range partition to the table with a lower bound and upper bound.
addRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow, String, RangePartitionBound, RangePartitionBound) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a range partition to the table with dimension label.
addRangePartition(RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Similar to the other addRangePartition() methods, but instead of adding a range with table-wide hash schema, this method adds a range with custom hash schema.
addRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a range partition to the table with an inclusive lower bound and an exclusive upper bound.
addRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow, RangePartitionBound, RangePartitionBound) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a range partition partition to the table with a lower bound and upper bound.
addRangePartition(RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Add range partition with custom hash schema.
addShort(int, short) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a short for the specified column.
addShort(String, short) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a short for the specified column.
addSplitRow(PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a range partition split.
addString(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified column.
addString(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified column.
addStringUtf8(int, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified value, encoded as UTF8.
addStringUtf8(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified value, encoded as UTF8.
addTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a Timestamp for the specified column.
addTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a Timestamp for the specified column.
addVarchar(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a VARCHAR for the specified column.
addVarchar(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Add a VARCHAR for the specified column.
after() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
AlreadyPresent(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
AlreadyPresent(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
alterExtraConfigs(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the table's extra configuration properties.
alterTable(String, AlterTableOptions) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Alter a table on the cluster as specified by the builder.
alterTable(String, AlterTableOptions) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Alter a table on the cluster as specified by the builder.
AlterTableOptions - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
This builder must be used to alter a table.
AlterTableOptions() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
AlterTableResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
apply(Operation) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
Apply the given operation.
apply(Operation) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
Apply a given Operation to Kudu as part of this session.
apply(Statement, Description) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
asyncGetTabletsLocations(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
use the KuduScanToken API
asyncGetTabletsLocations(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
use the KuduScanToken API
AsyncKuduClient - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A fully asynchronous and thread-safe client for Kudu.
AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Builder class to use in order to connect to Kudu.
AsyncKuduClientBuilder(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Creates a new builder for a client that will connect to the specified masters.
AsyncKuduClientBuilder(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Creates a new builder for a client that will connect to the specified masters.
AsyncKuduScanner - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Creates a scanner to read data from Kudu.
AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A Builder class to build AsyncKuduScanner.
AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
The possible read modes for scanners.
AsyncKuduScanner.RowDataFormat - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
Expected row data format in scanner result set.
AsyncKuduSession - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
An AsyncKuduSession belongs to a specific AsyncKuduClient, and represents a context in which all write data access should take place.
AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Constructor with default parameter values for ColumnSchema.
AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Constructor with default parameter values for ColumnSchema.


batchSizeBytes(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the maximum number of bytes returned by the scanner, on each batch.
before() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
BigLinkedListCommon - Class in
Static constants, helper methods, and utility classes for BigLinkedList implementations.
BloomFilter - Class in org.apache.kudu.util
An space-efficient filter which offers an approximate containment check.
bossCount(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
the bossExecutor is no longer used and will have no effect if provided
bossCount(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
the bossExecutor is no longer used and will have no effect if provided
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Creates a new client that connects to the masters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder
Builds an AsyncKuduScanner using the passed configurations.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Creates a new client that connects to the masters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner.KuduPartitionerBuilder
Builds a KuduPartitioner using the passed configurations.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder
Builds a KuduScanner using the passed configurations.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Builds a ColumnSchema for auto-incrementing column with passed parameters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Builds a ColumnSchema for auto-incrementing column with passed parameters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Builds a ColumnSchema using the passed parameters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Builds a ColumnSchema using the passed parameters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
Builds a ColumnTypeAttributes using the passed parameters.
build() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
Builds a ColumnTypeAttributes using the passed parameters.
buildTimeout(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner.KuduPartitionerBuilder
Set the timeout used for building the KuduPartitioner.
byCount(int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Generate bloom filter, default hashing is Murmur2 and false positive rate is 0.01.
byCountAndFPRate(int, double) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Generate bloom filter, default hashing is Murmur2.
byCountAndFPRate(int, double, BloomFilter.HashFunction) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Generate bloom filter.
bySize(int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Generate bloom filter, default hashing is Murmur2 and false positive rate is 0.01.
bySizeAndFPRate(int, double) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Generate bloom filter, default hashing is Murmur2.
bySizeAndFPRate(int, double, BloomFilter.HashFunction) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Generate bloom filter.


cacheBlocks(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the block caching policy for the scanner.
changeComment(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the comment for the column.
changeCompressionAlgorithm(String, ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the compression used for a column.
changeDefault(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the default value for a column.
changeDesiredBlockSize(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the block size of a column's storage.
changeEncoding(String, ColumnSchema.Encoding) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the encoding used for a column.
changeImmutable(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the immutable attribute for the column.
checkNull(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
checkType(int, Type...) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
checkValidColumn(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Invokes AsyncKuduClient.shutdown() and waits.
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Closes this scanner (don't forget to call this when you're done with it!).
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
Flushes the buffered operations and marks this session as closed.
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Analogous to KuduClient.shutdown().
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Closes this scanner (don't forget to call this when you're done with it!).
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
Blocking call that flushes the buffers (see KuduSession.flush()) and closes the sessions.
close() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Stop keepalive heartbeating, if any was in progress for this transaction handle.
collectErrors(List<OperationResponse>) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.OperationResponse
Utility method that collects all the row errors from the given list of responses.
COLUMN_CLIENT - Static variable in class
identifier of the mapred task that generated this row.
COLUMN_CLIENT_IDX - Static variable in class
COLUMN_KEY_ONE - Static variable in class
Row key, two times 8 bytes.
COLUMN_KEY_ONE_IDX - Static variable in class
COLUMN_KEY_TWO - Static variable in class
COLUMN_KEY_TWO_IDX - Static variable in class
COLUMN_PREV_ONE - Static variable in class
Link to the id of the prev node in the linked list, two times 8 bytes.
COLUMN_PREV_ONE_IDX - Static variable in class
COLUMN_PREV_TWO - Static variable in class
COLUMN_PREV_TWO_IDX - Static variable in class
COLUMN_ROW_ID - Static variable in class
the id of the row within the same client.
COLUMN_ROW_ID_IDX - Static variable in class
COLUMN_UPDATE_COUNT - Static variable in class
The number of times this row was updated.
COLUMN_UPDATE_COUNT_IDX - Static variable in class
ColumnRangePredicate - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
use the KuduPredicate class instead.
ColumnRangePredicate(ColumnSchema) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Create the predicate on the specified column
ColumnSchema - Class in org.apache.kudu
Represents a Kudu Table column.
ColumnSchema - Class in org.apache.kudu
Represents a Kudu Table column.
ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu
Builder for ColumnSchema of the auto-incrementing column.
ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu
Builder for ColumnSchema of the auto-incrementing column.
ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu
Builder for ColumnSchema.
ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu
Builder for ColumnSchema.
ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm - Enum in org.apache.kudu
Specifies the compression algorithm of data for a column on disk.
ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm - Enum in org.apache.kudu
Specifies the compression algorithm of data for a column on disk.
ColumnSchema.Encoding - Enum in org.apache.kudu
Specifies the encoding of data for a column on disk.
ColumnSchema.Encoding - Enum in org.apache.kudu
Specifies the encoding of data for a column on disk.
ColumnSchemaBuilder(String, Type) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Constructor for the required parameters.
ColumnSchemaBuilder(ColumnSchema) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Constructor to copy an existing columnSchema
ColumnSchemaBuilder(String, Type) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Constructor for the required parameters.
ColumnSchemaBuilder(ColumnSchema) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Constructor to copy an existing columnSchema
ColumnTypeAttributes - Class in org.apache.kudu
Represents a Kudu Table column's type attributes.
ColumnTypeAttributes - Class in org.apache.kudu
Represents a Kudu Table column's type attributes.
ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu
Builder for ColumnTypeAttributes.
ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu
Builder for ColumnTypeAttributes.
ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
comment(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the comment for this column.
comment(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the comment for this column.
comment(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the comment for this column.
comment(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the comment for this column.
commit() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Commit the multi-row distributed transaction represented by this handle.
compareTo(KuduScanToken) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
compressionAlgorithm(ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the compression algorithm for this column.
compressionAlgorithm(ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the compression algorithm for this column.
compressionAlgorithm(ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the compression algorithm for this column.
compressionAlgorithm(ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the compression algorithm for this column.
ConfigurationError(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
ConfigurationError(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
connectionNegotiationTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Sets the default timeout used for connection negotiation.
connectionNegotiationTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Sets the default timeout used for connection negotiation.
Corruption(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Corruption(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
countPendingErrors() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
countPendingErrors() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
countPendingErrors() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Return the number of errors which are pending.
createJwtFor(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
createTable(String, Schema, CreateTableOptions) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Create a table on the cluster with the specified name, schema, and table configurations.
createTable(String, Schema, CreateTableOptions) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Create a table on the cluster with the specified name, schema, and table configurations.
CreateTableOptions - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
This is a builder class for all the options that can be provided while creating a table.
CreateTableOptions() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
currentRow - Variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator
currentTablet() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the RemoteTablet currently being scanned, if any.


DEFAULT_HEADS_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_PERIOD_MS - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
DEFAULT_NEGOTIATION_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
DEFAULT_SLEEP - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class
defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Sets the default timeout used for administrative operations (e.g.
defaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Sets the default timeout used for administrative operations (e.g.
defaultOperationTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Sets the default timeout used for user operations (using sessions and scanners).
defaultOperationTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Sets the default timeout used for user operations (using sessions and scanners).
defaultSocketReadTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
this option no longer has any effect
defaultSocketReadTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
socket read timeouts are no longer used
defaultValue(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Sets the default value that will be read from the column.
defaultValue(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Sets the default value that will be read from the column.
Delete - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Class of Operation for whole row removals.
DeleteIgnore - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Class of Operation for whole row removals ignoring missing rows.
deleteTable(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Delete a table with the specified name.
deleteTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Delete a table with the specified name.
deleteTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Delete a table on the cluster with the specified name.
deleteTable(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
SoftDelete a table on the cluster with the specified name, the table will be reserved for reserveSeconds before being purged.
DeleteTableResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
deserialize(Schema, byte[]) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Serializes a list of KuduPredicate into a byte array.
deserialize(byte[], AsyncKuduClient) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Re-create KuduTransaction object given its serialized representation.
deserializeIntoScanner(byte[], KuduClient) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
Deserializes a KuduScanToken into a KuduScanner.
deserializeIntoScannerBuilder(byte[], KuduClient) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
Deserializes a KuduScanToken into a KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder.
desiredBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the desired block size for this column.
desiredBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the desired block size for this column.
desiredBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the desired block size for this column.
desiredBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the desired block size for this column.
diffScan(long, long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the start timestamp and end timestamp for a diff scan.
disableStatistics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Disable this client's collection of statistics.
disableStatistics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Disable this client's collection of statistics.
dropColumn(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Drop a column.
dropRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Drop the range partition from the table with the specified inclusive lower bound and exclusive upper bound.
dropRangePartition(PartialRow, PartialRow, RangePartitionBound, RangePartitionBound) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Drop the range partition from the table with the specified lower bound and upper bound.


empty() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
encodePrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Returns the encoded primary key of the row.
encoding(ColumnSchema.Encoding) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the block encoding for this column.
encoding(ColumnSchema.Encoding) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the block encoding for this column.
encoding(ColumnSchema.Encoding) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the block encoding for this column.
encoding(ColumnSchema.Encoding) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the block encoding for this column.
encryptionPolicy(AsyncKuduClient.EncryptionPolicy) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Require encryption for the connection to a remote server.
encryptionPolicy(AsyncKuduClient.EncryptionPolicy) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Require encryption for the connection to a remote server.
EndOfFile(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
EndOfFile(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
exclusiveUpperBound(PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Add an upper bound (exclusive) primary key for the scan.
exclusiveUpperBoundRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
exportAuthenticationCredentials() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Export serialized authentication data that may be passed to a different client instance and imported to provide that client the ability to connect to the cluster.
exportAuthenticationCredentials() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Export serialized authentication data that may be passed to a different client instance and imported to provide that client the ability to connect to the cluster.
ExternalConsistencyMode - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
The possible external consistency modes on which Kudu operates.


findLeaderMasterServer() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
findLeaderMasterServer() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Find the host and port of the leader master.
findLeaderTabletServer(LocatedTablet) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Finds the RPC port of the given tablet's leader tserver.
flush() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
Flush buffered writes.
flush() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
Blocking call that force flushes this session's buffers.
fromPB(Schema, Common.ColumnPredicatePB) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Convert a column predicate protobuf message into a predicate.


get() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ResourceMetrics
Returns a copy of this ResourceMetrics's underlying map of metric name to metric value.
getAsyncClient() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get the async client that created this instance.
getAsyncClient() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getAuthzTokenCache() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
getAutoIncrementingColumnName() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the name of the auto-incrementing column
getAutoIncrementingColumnName() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the name of the auto-incrementing column
getAutoIncrementingColumnType() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the type of the auto-incrementing column
getAutoIncrementingColumnType() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the type of the auto-incrementing column
getBaseClusterBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Returns the base MiniKuduClusterBuilder used when creating a KuduTestHarness with the default constructor.
getBatchSizeBytes() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the maximum number of bytes returned by the scanner, on each batch.
getBatchSizeBytes() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the maximum number of bytes returned by the scanner, on each batch.
getBinary(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's binary data.
getBinary(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's binary data.
getBinary(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's binary data.
getBinary(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's binary data.
getBinaryCopy(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get a copy of the specified column's binary data.
getBinaryCopy(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get a copy of the specified column's binary data.
getBinaryCopy(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get a copy of the specified column's binary data.
getBinaryCopy(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get a copy of the specified column's binary data.
getBitSet() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Get the internal bit set in bytes.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's boolean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's boolean
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's boolean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's boolean
getByte(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's byte
getByte(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's byte
getByte(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's byte
getByte(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's byte
getCacheBlocks() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns if this scanner was configured to cache data blocks or not.
getCacheBlocks() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns if this scanner was configured to cache data blocks or not.
getClient() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getClientStatistic(Statistics.Statistic) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Get the statistic count of the whole client.
getClusterCACertDer() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getClusterId() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Returns the ID of the cluster that this client is connected to.
getClusterId() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Returns the ID of the cluster that this client is connected to.
getClusterRoot() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getColumn() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Get the column used by this predicate
getColumn(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the column associated with the specified name
getColumn(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the column associated with the specified name
getColumnByIndex(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the column at the specified index in the original list
getColumnByIndex(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the column at the specified index in the original list
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the count of columns in this schema
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the count of columns in this schema
getColumnId(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the internal column ID for a column name.
getColumnId(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the internal column ID for a column name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the index for the provided column name.
getColumnIndex(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the column index of the column with the provided ID.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the index for the provided column name.
getColumnIndex(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the column index of the column with the provided ID.
getColumnOffset(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the index at which this column can be found in the backing byte array
getColumnOffset(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the index at which this column can be found in the backing byte array
getColumnProjection() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the schema used for this scanner's column projection.
getColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the list of columns used to create this schema
getColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the list of columns used to create this schema
getColumnType(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the type of a column in this result.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the type of a column in this result.
getComment() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's comment.
getComment() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the comment for the column.
getComment() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the comment for the column.
getCompressionAlgorithm() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the compression algorithm of this column, or null if it is not known.
getCompressionAlgorithm() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the compression algorithm of this column, or null if it is not known.
getCreateTableOptions(Schema, int, int, int) - Static method in class
getDataType() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
getDataType(ColumnTypeAttributes) - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Get the data type from the common's pb
getDataType() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
getDataType(ColumnTypeAttributes) - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Get the data type from the common's pb
getDate(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's Date.
getDate(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's Date.
getDate(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's Date.
getDate(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's Date.
getDecimal(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's BigDecimal
getDecimal(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's Decimal.
getDecimal(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's Decimal.
getDecimal(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's Decimal.
getDefaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the timeout used for admin operations.
getDefaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get the timeout used for admin operations.
getDefaultOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the timeout used for operations on sessions and scanners.
getDefaultOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get the timeout used for operations on sessions and scanners.
getDefaultSocketReadTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
socket read timeouts are no longer used
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
The Java object representation of the default value that's read
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
The Java object representation of the default value that's read
getDeferred() - Method in exception org.apache.kudu.client.PleaseThrottleException
Returns a deferred one can wait on before retrying the failed RPC.
getDesiredBlockSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Gets the desired block size for this column.
getDesiredBlockSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Gets the desired block size for this column.
getDimensionLabel() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's double
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's double
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's double
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's double
getEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the encoding of this column, or null if it is not known.
getEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the encoding of this column, or null if it is not known.
getEndKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
getErrorStatus() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowError
Get the status code and message of the row error.
getExtraConfig() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's extra configuration properties.
getFailedRpc() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.HasFailedRpcException
Returns the RPC that caused this exception.
getFailedRpc() - Method in exception org.apache.kudu.client.PleaseThrottleException
The RPC that was made to fail with this exception.
getFloat(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's float
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's float
getFloat(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's float
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's float
getFlushMode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
getFlushMode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
getFlushMode() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Get the current flush mode.
getFormattedRangePartitions(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Retrieves a formatted representation of this table's range partitions.
getFormattedRangePartitionsWithHashSchema(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Retrieves a formatted representation of this table's range partitions along with hash schema output for each range.
getHashFunctionName() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Get the name of hashing used when updating or checking containment.
getHeadsTableSchema() - Static method in class
getHiveMetastoreConfig() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the Hive Metastore configuration of the most recently connected-to leader master, or null if the Hive Metastore integration is not enabled.
getHiveMetastoreConfig() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Returns the Hive Metastore configuration of the cluster.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's integer
getInt(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's integer
getInt(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's integer
getInt(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's integer
getInternalPbType() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm
getInternalPbType() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm
getInternalPbType() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding
getInternalPbType() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding
getIsDeletedIndex() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
getIsDeletedIndex() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
getKeepAlivePeriodMs() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
getLastPropagatedTimestamp() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Returns the last timestamp received from a server.
getLastPropagatedTimestamp() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Returns the last timestamp received from a server.
getLeaderReplica() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
Return the current leader, or null if there is none.
getLength() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns the length;
getLength() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns the length;
getLimit() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the maximum number of rows that this scanner was configured to return.
getLimit() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the maximum number of rows that this scanner was configured to return.
getLiveRowCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTableStatistics
Get the table's live row count, this statistic is pre-replication.
getLocationString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Returns a string representation of this client's location.
getLocationString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Returns a string representation of this client's location.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's long If this is a UNIXTIME_MICROS column, the long value corresponds to a number of microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's long If this is a UNIXTIME_MICROS column, the long value corresponds to a number of microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's long If this is a UNIXTIME_MICROS column, the long value corresponds to a number of microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's long If this is a UNIXTIME_MICROS column, the long value corresponds to a number of microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Get the lower bound in its raw representation
getMasterAddressesAsString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
getMasterAddressesAsString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
getMasterAddressesAsString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Return the comma-separated list of "host:port" pairs that describes the master config for this cluster.
getMasterServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowError
Please use getErrorStatus() instead. Will be removed in a future version.
getMetric(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ResourceMetrics
Returns the value of the metric named by 'name', or 0 if there is no such metric.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's name.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Get the column's name
getName() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Get the column's name
getName() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Get the string representation of this type
getName() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Get the string representation of this type
getNumHashes() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Get the number of hashing times when updating or checking containment.
getNumReplicas() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's replication factor.
getNumRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator
getObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's value as an Object.
getObject(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's value as an Object.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's value as an Object.
getObject(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's value as an Object.
getOnDiskSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTableStatistics
Get the table's on disk size, this statistic is pre-replication.
getOperation() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowError
Get the Operation that failed.
getOwner() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's owner.
getPartition() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
getPartitionSchema() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Gets the table's partition schema.
getPendingErrors() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
getPendingErrors() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
getPendingErrors() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Return any errors from previous calls.
getPosixCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Get the posix code associated with the error.
getPrecision() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Return the precision;
getPrecision() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Return the precision;
getPrimaryKeyColumnCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the count of columns that are part of the primary key.
getPrimaryKeyColumnCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the count of columns that are part of the primary key.
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the primary key columns.
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the primary key columns.
getPrincipal() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getProjectionSchema() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the projection schema of this scanner.
getProjectionSchema() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the projection schema of this scanner.
getRangePartitions(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Retrieves this table's range partitions.
getRangePartitionsWithTableHashSchema(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Only retrieves this table's range partitions that contain the table wide hash schema.
getReadMode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the ReadMode for this scanner.
getReadMode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the ReadMode for this scanner.
getReplicas() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
getResourceMetrics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the ResourceMetrics for this scanner.
getResourceMetrics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the resource metrics of this scanner.
getRole() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getRow() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Operation
Get the underlying row to modify.
getRowError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.OperationResponse
Returns a row error.
getRowErrors() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowErrorsAndOverflowStatus
Get the collected row errors.
getRowKeyProjection() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get a schema that only contains the columns which are part of the key
getRowKeyProjection() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get a schema that only contains the columns which are part of the key
getRowSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the size a row built using this schema would be
getRowSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the size a row built using this schema would be
getRpcHost() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getRpcPort() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getScale() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Return the scale;
getScale() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Return the scale;
getScanRequestTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the scan request timeout for this scanner.
getScanRequestTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Returns the current value of the scanner's scan request timeout.
getSchema() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's schema, as of the moment this instance was created.
getSchema() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the schema used for this row.
getSchema() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the schema associated with this result.
getShort(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's short
getShort(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's short
getShort(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's short
getShort(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's short
getSize() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
getSize(ColumnTypeAttributes) - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
The size of this type on the wire
getSize() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
getSize(ColumnTypeAttributes) - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
The size of this type on the wire
getSoftDeletedTablesList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the list of all the soft deleted tables.
getSoftDeletedTablesList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get the list of all the soft deleted tables.
getSoftDeletedTablesList(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get list of soft deleted table names.
getStartKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
getStatistics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the statistics object of this client.
getStatistics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get the statistics object of this client.
getStatus() - Method in exception org.apache.kudu.client.KuduException
Get the Status object for this exception.
getStatus() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowError
Please use getErrorStatus() instead. Will be removed in a future version.
getString(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's string.
getString(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's string.
getString(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's string.
getString(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's string.
getTableId() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableResponse
getTableId() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's unique identifier.
getTableInfosList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ListTablesResponse
Get the list of tables as specified in the request.
getTableName(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Get table name of the given tablet id.
getTableSchema() - Static method in class
getTableSet() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Get the set of tables which have been written into by this client, which have statistics information.
getTablesList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the list of all the regular (i.e.
getTablesList(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get a list of regular table names.
getTablesList(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get a list of table names.
getTablesList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get the list of all the regular tables.
getTablesList(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get a list of regular table names.
getTablesList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ListTablesResponse
Get the list of tables as specified in the request.
getTableStatistic(String, Statistics.Statistic) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Get the statistic count of this table.
getTableStatistics(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get table's statistics from master.
getTableStatistics(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get table's statistics from master.
getTableStatistics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get this table's statistics.
getTablet() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
Returns the tablet which the scanner created from this token will access.
getTabletId() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
getTabletMap() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner
getTabletServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
getTabletServersCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ListTabletServersResponse
Get the count of tablet servers as reported by the master.
getTabletServersList() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ListTabletServersResponse
Get the list of tablet servers, as represented by their hostname.
getTabletSet() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Get the set of tablets which have been written into by this client, which have statistics information.
getTabletsLocations(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
use the KuduScanToken API
getTabletsLocations(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
use the KuduScanToken API
getTabletStatistic(String, Statistics.Statistic) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Get the statistic count of this tablet.
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Get the current timeout.
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's Timestamp.
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's Timestamp.
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's Timestamp.
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's Timestamp.
getTsUUID() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
getTsUUID() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowError
Get the identifier of the tablet server that sent the error.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Get the column's Type
getType() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Get the column's Type
getTypeAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the column type attributes for the column, or null if it is not known.
getTypeAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Return the column type attributes for the column, or null if it is not known.
getTypeForDataType(Common.DataType) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Convert the pb DataType to a Type
getTypeForDataType(Common.DataType) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Convert the pb DataType to a Type
getTypeForName(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Create a Type from its name
getTypeForName(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Create a Type from its name
getTypeSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
The size of this type in bytes on the wire.
getTypeSize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
The size of this type in bytes on the wire.
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Get the upper bound in its raw representation
getVarchar(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's VARCHAR.
getVarchar(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get the specified column's VARCHAR.
getVarchar(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's varchar.
getVarchar(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's varchar.
getVarLengthColumnCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the count of columns with variable length (BINARY/STRING) in this schema.
getVarLengthColumnCount() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Get the count of columns with variable length (BINARY/STRING) in this schema.
getVarLengthData(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
getWireType() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Get the column's underlying DataType.
getWireType() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Get the column's underlying DataType.
getWriteOpMetrics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
getWriteOpMetrics() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
getWriteOpMetrics() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Return cumulative write operation metrics since the beginning of the session.
getWriteTimestampRaw() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.OperationResponse
Gives the write timestamp that was returned by the Tablet Server.


hasAutoIncrementingColumn() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells if there's auto-incrementing column
hasAutoIncrementingColumn() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells if there's auto-incrementing column
hasColumn(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Returns true if the column exists.
hasColumn(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Returns true if the column exists.
hasColumnIds() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells whether this schema includes IDs for columns.
hasColumnIds() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells whether this schema includes IDs for columns.
HasFailedRpcException - Interface in org.apache.kudu.client
Interface implemented by KuduExceptions that can tell you which RPC failed.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
hasImmutableColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells if there's at least one immutable column
hasImmutableColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells if there's at least one immutable column
hasIsDeleted() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
hasIsDeleted() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
hasIsDeleted() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
hasLastPropagatedTimestamp() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Checks if the client received any timestamps from a server.
hasLastPropagatedTimestamp() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Checks if the client received any timestamps from a server.
hasLength() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns true if the length is set;
hasLength() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns true if the length is set;
hasMoreRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Tells if there is data to scan, including both rpc or cached rpc result.
hasMoreRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Tells if the last rpc returned that there might be more rows to scan.
hasNext(KuduScannerIterator.NextRowsCallback) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScannerIterator
Special implementation of hasNext that calls a callback each time KuduScanner.nextRows() is called.
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScannerIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator
hasNullableColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells if there's at least one nullable column
hasNullableColumns() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Tells if there's at least one nullable column
hasPendingOperations() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
hasPendingOperations() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
hasPendingOperations() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Check if there are operations that haven't been completely applied.
hasPrecision() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns true if the precision is set;
hasPrecision() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns true if the precision is set;
hasRowError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.OperationResponse
Tells if this operation response contains a row error.
hasScale() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns true if the scale is set;
hasScale() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Returns true if the scale is set;
HEADS_TABLE_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class


IllegalState(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
IllegalState(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Immutable(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Immutable(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
immutable(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Marks the column as immutable or not.
immutable(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Marks the column as immutable or not.
importAuthenticationCredentials(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Import data allowing this client to authenticate to the cluster.
importAuthenticationCredentials(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Import data allowing this client to authenticate to the cluster.
includeTableMetadata(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder
If the table metadata is included on the scan token a GetTableSchema RPC call to the master can be avoided when deserializing each scan token into a scanner.
includeTabletMetadata(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder
If the tablet metadata is included on the scan token a GetTableLocations RPC call to the master can be avoided when scanning with a scanner constructed from a scan token.
Incomplete(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Incomplete(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
index - Variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
INDEX_RESET_LOCATION - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Insert - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Represents a single row insert.
InsertIgnore - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Represents a single row insert ignoring duplicate rows.
intoScanner(KuduClient) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
Creates a KuduScanner from this scan token.
INVALID_TXN_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
InvalidArgument(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
InvalidArgument(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
IOError(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
IOError(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isAborted() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isAlreadyPresent() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isAlterTableDone(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Check whether a previously issued alterTable() is done.
isAlterTableDone(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Waits for all of the tablets in a table to be altered, or until the default admin operation timeout is reached.
IsAlterTableDoneResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Response to a isAlterTableDone command to use to know if an alter table is currently running on the specified table.
isAutoIncrementing() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column is auto-incrementing column
isAutoIncrementing() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column is auto-incrementing column
isClosed() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
isClosed() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
isClosed() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
isClosed() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
isClosed() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Returns true if this session has already been closed.
isCommitComplete() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Check whether the commit phase for a transaction is complete.
isConfigurationError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isCorruption() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isCovered(PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner
Determine if the given row falls into a valid partition.
isCreateTableDone(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Check whether a previously issued createTable() is done.
isCreateTableDone(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Waits for all of the tablets in a table to be created, or until the default admin operation timeout is reached.
IsCreateTableDoneResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Response to an isCreateTableDone command.
isDeleted() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
isDone() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.IsAlterTableDoneResponse
Tells if the table is done being altered or not.
isDone() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.IsCreateTableDoneResponse
Returns whether the table is done being created.
isEndOfFile() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isFixedSize() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
isFixedSize() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
isIgnoreAllDuplicateRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
isIgnoreAllDuplicateRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
isIgnoreAllDuplicateRows() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Tells if the session is currently ignoring row errors when the whole list returned by a tablet server is of the AlreadyPresent type.
isIgnoreAllNotFoundRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
isIgnoreAllNotFoundRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
isIgnoreAllNotFoundRows() - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Tells if the session is currently ignoring row errors when the whole list returned by a tablet server is of the NotFound type.
isIllegalState() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isImmutable() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isImmutable() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column is immutable
isImmutable() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column is immutable
isIncomplete() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isInvalidArgument() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isIOError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column part of the key
isKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column part of the key
isKeyUnique() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the key is unique
isKeyUnique() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the key is unique
isNetworkError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isNotAuthorized() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isNotFound() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isNotSupported() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isNull(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get if the specified column is NULL
isNull(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get if the specified column is NULL
isNull(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get if the specified column is NULL
isNull(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Get if the specified column is NULL
isNullable() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column can be set to null
isNullable() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column can be set to null
isOverflowed() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowErrorsAndOverflowStatus
Check if the error collector had an overflow and had to discard row errors.
isPrimaryKeyUnique() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Answers if the primary key is unique for the table
isPrimaryKeyUnique() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Answers if the primary key is unique for the table
isRemoteError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isRuntimeError() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isServiceUnavailable() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isSet(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get if the specified column has been set
isSet(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Get if the specified column has been set
isStatisticsEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Check if statistics collection is enabled for this client.
isStatisticsEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Check if statistics collection is enabled for this client.
isTimedOut() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
isUninitialized() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator


jwt(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Set JWT (JSON Web Token) to authenticate the client to a server.
jwt(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Set JWT (JSON Web Token) to authenticate the client to a server.


kdestroy() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Removes all credentials for all principals from the Kerberos credential cache.
keepAlive() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Keep the current remote scanner alive.
keepAlive() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Keep the current remote scanner alive.
keepAlivePeriodMs(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set the period at which to send keep-alive requests to the tablet server to ensure that this scanner will not time out.
key(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Sets if the column is part of the row key.
key(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Sets if the column is part of the row key.
killAllMasterServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Kills all the master servers.
killAllTabletServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Kills all the tablet servers.
killLeaderMasterServer() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Helper method to easily kill the leader master.
killTabletLeader(KuduTable) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Helper method to easily kill a tablet server that serves the given table's only tablet's leader.
killTabletLeader(RemoteTablet) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Helper method to kill a tablet server that hosts the given tablet's leader replica.
killTabletLeader(LocatedTablet) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Helper method to kill a tablet server that serves the given tablet's leader replica.
kinit(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Re-initialize Kerberos credentials for the given username, writing them into the Kerberos credential cache.
KuduClient - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A synchronous and thread-safe client for Kudu.
KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Builder class to use in order to connect to Kudu.
KuduClientBuilder(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Creates a new builder for a client that will connect to the specified masters.
KuduClientBuilder(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Creates a new builder for a client that will connect to the specified masters.
KuduException - Exception in org.apache.kudu.client
The parent class of all exceptions sent by the Kudu client.
KuduException.OriginalException - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
When exceptions are thrown by the asynchronous Kudu client, the stack trace is typically deep within the internals of the Kudu client and/or Netty.
KuduPartitioner - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A KuduPartitioner allows clients to determine the target partition of a row without actually performing a write.
KuduPartitioner(PartitionSchema, Map<String, Partition>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner
KuduPartitioner.KuduPartitionerBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A Builder class to build KuduPartitioner.
KuduPartitionerBuilder(KuduTable) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner.KuduPartitionerBuilder
KuduPredicate - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A predicate which can be used to filter rows based on the value of a column.
KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
The comparison operator of a predicate.
KuduScanner - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Synchronous version of AsyncKuduScanner.
KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A Builder class to build KuduScanner.
KuduScannerIterator - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
An iterator for the RowResults of a KuduScanner.
KuduScanToken - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A scan token describes a partial scan of a Kudu table limited to a single contiguous physical location.
KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Builds a sequence of scan tokens.
KuduSession - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Synchronous version of AsyncKuduSession.
KuduTable - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A KuduTable represents a table on a particular cluster.
KuduTableStatistics - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Represent statistics belongs to a specific kudu table.
KuduTestHarness - Class in org.apache.kudu.test
A Junit Rule that manages a Kudu cluster and clients for testing.
KuduTestHarness(MiniKuduCluster.MiniKuduClusterBuilder) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
KuduTestHarness() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
KuduTransaction - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A handle for a multi-row transaction in Kudu.


length(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
length(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
limit(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets a limit on the number of rows that will be returned by the scanner.
ListTablesResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
listTabletServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the list of running tablet servers.
listTabletServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Get the list of running tablet servers.
ListTabletServersResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
LocatedTablet - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Information about the locations of tablets in a Kudu table.
LocatedTablet(RemoteTablet) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
LocatedTablet.Replica - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
One of the replicas of the tablet.
LOG - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
LOG - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
lowerBound(PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Add a lower bound (inclusive) primary key for the scan.
lowerBoundRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder


mayContain(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(byte) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(short) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(double) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
mayContain(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter


NetworkError(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
NetworkError(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
newAsyncKuduSession() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Create a new AsyncKuduSession based on this transaction.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new KuduPredicate on a boolean column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, long) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on an integer or timestamp column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, BigDecimal) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a Decimal column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, Timestamp) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a timestamp column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, Date) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a date column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, float) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a float column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, double) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a double column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a string column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, byte[]) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a binary column.
newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new comparison predicate on a column.
newDelete() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new delete configured with this table's schema.
newDeleteIgnore() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new delete ignore configured with this table's schema.
newInListPredicate(ColumnSchema, List<T>) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new IN list predicate.
newInsert() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new insert configured with this table's schema.
newInsertIgnore() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new insert ignore configured with this table's schema.
newIsNotNullPredicate(ColumnSchema) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new IS NOT NULL predicate.
newIsNullPredicate(ColumnSchema) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Creates a new IS NULL predicate.
newKuduSession() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Create a new KuduSession based on this transaction.
newPartialRow() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Creates a new partial row for the schema.
newPartialRow() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Creates a new partial row for the schema.
newRemoteTabletFromTabletMetadata(Client.TabletMetadataPB, String, Partition) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
create a new RemoteTablet from TabletMetadata
newScannerBuilder(KuduTable) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Creates a new AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder for a particular table.
newScannerBuilder(KuduTable) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Creates a new KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder for a particular table.
newScanTokenBuilder(KuduTable) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Creates a new KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder for a particular table.
newSession() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Create a new session for interacting with the cluster.
newSession() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Create a new session for interacting with the cluster.
newTransaction() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Start a new multi-row distributed transaction.
newUpdate() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new update configured with this table's schema.
newUpdateIgnore() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new update ignore configured with this table's schema.
newUpsert() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new upsert configured with this table's schema.
newUpsertIgnore() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable
Get a new upsert ignore configured with this table's schema.
next() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScannerIterator
nextRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Scans a number of rows.
nextRows() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Scans a number of rows.
nioExecutor(Executor) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Set the executor which will be used for the embedded Netty workers.
nioExecutor(Executor) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Set the executor which will be used for the embedded Netty workers.
nioExecutors(Executor, Executor) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
the bossExecutor is no longer used and will have no effect if provided
nioExecutors(Executor, Executor) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
the bossExecutor is no longer used and will have no effect if provided
NO_SOFT_DELETED_STATE_RESERVED_SECONDS - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
NO_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
NO_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
nonUniqueKey(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Sets if the column is part of the row non unique key.
nonUniqueKey(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Sets if the column is part of the row non unique key.
NotAuthorized(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
NotAuthorized(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
NotFound(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
NotFound(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
NotSupported(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
NotSupported(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
nullable(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Marks the column as allowing null values.
nullable(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Marks the column as allowing null values.
numPartitions() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner
numRows - Variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator


OK() - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
ok() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
openTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Open the table with the given name.
openTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Open the table with the given name.
Operation - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Base class for the RPCs that related to WriteRequestPB.
OperationResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
org.apache.kudu - package org.apache.kudu


PartialRow - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Class used to represent parts of a row along with its schema.
PartialRow(Schema) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
This is not a stable API, prefer using Schema.newPartialRow() to create a new partial row.
partitionKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Operation
partitionRow(PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPartitioner
Determine the partition index that the given row falls into.
pauseLeaderMaster() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Finds and pauses the leader master.
pauseMaster(HostAndPort) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Pauses the specified master.
pbVersion() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode
pbVersion() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.ExternalConsistencyMode
PleaseThrottleException - Exception in org.apache.kudu.client
This exception notifies the application to throttle its use of Kudu.
precision(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
Set the precision.
precision(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
Set the precision.
prefetching(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Enables prefetching of rows for the scanner, i.e.
put(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a byte[].
put(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a boolean.
put(byte) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a byte.
put(short) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a short.
put(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a int.
put(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a long.
put(float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a float.
put(double) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a double.
put(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
Update bloom filter with a String.


RangePartitionBound - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
Specifies whether a range partition bound is inclusive or exclusive.
RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
This class represents a range partition with custom hash bucketing schema.
RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema(PartialRow, PartialRow, RangePartitionBound, RangePartitionBound) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema
readMode(AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the read mode, the default is to read the latest values.
recallDeletedTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Recall a soft-deleted table on the cluster with the specified id
recallDeletedTable(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Recall a soft-deleted table on the cluster with the specified id
recallDeletedTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Recall a deleted table on the cluster with the specified table id
recallDeletedTable(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Recall a deleted table on the cluster with the specified table id and give the recalled table the new table name
RecallDeletedTableResponse - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
RemoteError(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
RemoteError(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
remove() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator
removeDefault(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Remove the default value for a column.
renameColumn(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the name of a column.
renameTable(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change a table's name.
replicaSelection(ReplicaSelection) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the replica selection mechanism for this scanner.
ReplicaSelection - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
Policy with which to choose amongst multiple replicas.
requireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Require authentication for the connection to a remote server.
requireAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Require authentication for the connection to a remote server.
resetClients() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Resets the clients so that their state is completely fresh, including meta cache, connections, open tables, sessions and scanners, and propagated timestamp.
ResourceMetrics - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A container for scanner resource metrics.
ResourceMetrics() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.ResourceMetrics
restartLeaderMaster() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Kills and restarts the leader master.
restartTabletServer(KuduTable) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Picks at random a tablet server that serves tablets from the passed table and restarts it.
restartTabletServer(RemoteTablet) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Kills a tablet server that serves the given tablet's leader and restarts it.
resumeMaster(HostAndPort) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Resumes the specified master.
rollback() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Rollback the multi-row distributed transaction represented by this object.
RowError - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Wrapper class for a single row error.
RowErrorsAndOverflowStatus - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Container class used as a response when retrieving pending row errors.
RowResult - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
RowResult represents one row from a scanner.
RowResultIterator - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Class that contains the rows sent by a tablet server, exhausting this iterator only means that all the rows from the last server response were read.
rowToString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
Return the actual data from this row in a stringified key=value form.
RuntimeError(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
RuntimeError(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status


saslProtocolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Set the SASL protocol name.
saslProtocolName(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Set the SASL protocol name.
scale(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
Set the scale.
scale(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes.ColumnTypeAttributesBuilder
Set the scale.
scanRequestTimeout(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets how long each scan request to a server can last.
schema - Variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
schema - Variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResultIterator
Schema - Class in org.apache.kudu
Represents table's schema which is essentially a list of columns.
Schema - Class in org.apache.kudu
Represents table's schema which is essentially a list of columns.
Schema(List<ColumnSchema>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Constructs a schema using the specified columns and does some internal accounting
Schema(List<ColumnSchema>, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Constructs a schema using the specified columns and IDs.
Schema(List<ColumnSchema>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Constructs a schema using the specified columns and does some internal accounting
Schema(List<ColumnSchema>, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.Schema
Constructs a schema using the specified columns and IDs.
serialize(List<KuduPredicate>) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Serializes a list of KuduPredicate into a byte array.
serialize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
Serializes this KuduScanToken into a byte array.
serialize(KuduTransaction.SerializationOptions) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Export information on the underlying transaction in a serialized form.
serialize() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
A shortcut for the KuduTransaction.serialize(SerializationOptions) method invoked with default-constructed KuduTransaction.SerializationOptions.
ServiceUnavailable(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
ServiceUnavailable(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
SessionConfiguration - Interface in org.apache.kudu.client
Interface that defines the methods used to configure a session.
SessionConfiguration.FlushMode - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
setComment(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change a table's comment.
setComment(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Set the table comment.
setDimensionLabel(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Sets the dimension label for all tablets created at table creation time.
setErrorCollectorSpace(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setErrorCollectorSpace(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setErrorCollectorSpace(int) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the number of errors that can be collected.
setExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the new external consistency mode for this session.
setExtraConfigs(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Sets the table's extra configuration properties.
setFaultTolerant(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Make scans resumable at another tablet server if current server fails if isFaultTolerant is true.
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the flush interval, which will be used for the next scheduling decision.
setFlushMode(SessionConfiguration.FlushMode) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setFlushMode(SessionConfiguration.FlushMode) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setFlushMode(SessionConfiguration.FlushMode) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the new flush mode for this session.
setIgnoreAllDuplicateRows(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setIgnoreAllDuplicateRows(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setIgnoreAllDuplicateRows(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Configures the option to ignore all the row errors if they are all of the AlreadyPresent type.
setIgnoreAllNotFoundRows(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setIgnoreAllNotFoundRows(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setIgnoreAllNotFoundRows(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Configures the option to ignore all the row errors if they are all of the NotFound type.
setLowerBound(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a boolean for the lower bound
setLowerBound(byte) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a byte for the lower bound
setLowerBound(short) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a short for the lower bound
setLowerBound(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set an int for the lower bound
setLowerBound(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a long for the lower bound If 'lowerBound' is a timestamp see PartialRow.addLong(String, long) for the format.
setLowerBound(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a string for the lower bound
setLowerBound(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a binary value for the lower bound
setLowerBound(float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a float for the lower bound
setLowerBound(double) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a double for the lower bound
setLowerBound(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a BigDecimal for the lower bound
setMutationBufferLowWatermark(float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setMutationBufferLowWatermark(float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setMutationBufferLowWatermark(float) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
The low watermark no longer has any effect.
setMutationBufferSpace(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setMutationBufferSpace(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setMutationBufferSpace(int) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the number of operations that can be buffered.
setNull(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Set the specified column to null
setNull(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Set the specified column to null
setNumReplicas(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Sets the number of replicas that each tablet will have.
setOwner(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Change a table's owner.
setOwner(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Set the table owner as the provided username.
setProjectedColumnIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set which columns will be read by the Scanner.
setProjectedColumnNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set which columns will be read by the Scanner.
setRangePartitionColumns(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Set the columns on which the table will be range-partitioned.
setReuseRowResult(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
If set to true, the RowResult object returned by the RowResultIterator will be reused with each call to
setReuseRowResult(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
If set to true, the RowResult object returned by the RowResultIterator will be reused with each call to
setRow(PartialRow) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Operation
Set the underlying row.
setRowDataFormat(AsyncKuduScanner.RowDataFormat) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Optionally set expected row data format.
setRowDataFormat(AsyncKuduScanner.RowDataFormat) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanner
Optionally set expected row data format.
setSplitSizeBytes(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder
Sets the data size of key range.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken.KuduScanTokenBuilder
Sets a timeout value to use when building the list of scan tokens.
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduSession
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduSession
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in interface org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration
Sets the timeout for the next applied operations.
setUpperBound(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a boolean for the upper bound
setUpperBound(byte) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a byte for the upper bound
setUpperBound(short) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a short for the upper bound
setUpperBound(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set an int for the upper bound
setUpperBound(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a long for the upper bound If 'upperBound' is a timestamp see PartialRow.addLong(String, long) for the format.
setUpperBound(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a string for the upper bound
setUpperBound(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a binary value for the upper bound
setUpperBound(float) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a float for the upper bound
setUpperBound(double) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a double for the upper bound
setUpperBound(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a BigDecimal for the upper bound
setWait(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AlterTableOptions
Whether to wait for the table to be fully altered before this alter operation is considered to be finished.
setWait(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.CreateTableOptions
Whether to wait for the table to be fully created before this create operation is considered to be finished.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Performs a graceful shutdown of this instance.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Performs a graceful shutdown of this instance.
SLEEP_TIME - Static variable in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
snapshotTimestampMicros(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the timestamp the scan must be executed at, in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
snapshotTimestampRaw(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets a previously encoded HT timestamp as a snapshot timestamp, for tests.
startAllMasterServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Starts all the master servers.
startAllTabletServers() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Starts all the tablet servers.
startCommit() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTransaction
Start committing the multi-row distributed transaction represented by this handle.
startMaster(HostAndPort) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Start master which has previously been registered at the specified host and port.
startTabletServer(HostAndPort) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.test.KuduTestHarness
Start tablet server which has previously been registered at the specified host and port.
Statistics - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
A Statistics belongs to a specific AsyncKuduClient.
Statistics() - Constructor for class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
Statistics.Statistic - Enum in org.apache.kudu.client
The statistic enum to pass when querying.
Status - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Representation of an error code and message.
stringifyRowKey() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
Transforms the row key into a string representation where each column is in the format: "type col_name=value".
stringifySerializedToken(byte[], KuduClient) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduScanToken
Formats the serialized token for debug printing.
supportsIgnoreOperations() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Sends a request to the master to check if the cluster supports ignore operations, including InsertIgnore, UpdateIgnore and DeleteIgnore operations.
supportsIgnoreOperations() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Sends a request to the master to check if the cluster supports ignore operations, including InsertIgnore, UpdateIgnore and DeleteIgnore operations.
syncClient() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Returns a synchronous KuduClient which wraps this asynchronous client.


TABLE_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class
tableExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Test if a table exists.
tableExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Test if a table exists.
TimedOut(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
TimedOut(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
toByteArray(List<ColumnRangePredicate>) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Converts a list of predicates into an opaque byte array.
toKuduPredicate() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Convert this column range predicate into a KuduPredicate.
toPB() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
Convert the predicate to the protobuf representation.
toPB() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RangePartitionWithCustomHashSchema
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.LocatedTablet
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowError
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowErrorsAndOverflowStatus
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Get a human-readable version of the Status message fit for logging or display.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
toString() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
toString() - Method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
toString() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.util.BloomFilter
toStringForType(Type) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Return a string representation appropriate for `type`.
toStringForType(Type) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnTypeAttributes
Return a string representation appropriate for `type`.
toStringLongFormat() - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.RowResult
trustedCertificates(List<ByteString>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Mark the given CA certificates (in DER format) as the trusted ones for the client.
trustedCertificates(List<ByteString>) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Mark the given CA certificates (in DER format) as the trusted ones for the client.
Type - Enum in org.apache.kudu
Describes all the types available to build table schemas.
Type - Enum in org.apache.kudu
Describes all the types available to build table schemas.
typeAttributes(ColumnTypeAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the column type attributes for this column.
typeAttributes(ColumnTypeAttributes) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Set the column type attributes for this column.


Uninitialized(String) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Uninitialized(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.kudu.client.Status
Update - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Operation to update columns on an existing row.
UpdateIgnore - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Represents a single row update ignoring missing rows errors and errors on updating immutable cells.
updateLastPropagatedTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient
Updates the last timestamp received from a server.
updateLastPropagatedTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient
Updates the last timestamp received from a server.
Upsert - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Represents a single row upsert.
UpsertIgnore - Class in org.apache.kudu.client
Represents a single row upsert ignoring errors on updating immutable cells.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner.RowDataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.ExternalConsistencyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.RangePartitionBound
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.ReplicaSelection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration.FlushMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics.Statistic
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduScanner.RowDataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.ExternalConsistencyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.RangePartitionBound
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.ReplicaSelection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration.FlushMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.client.Statistics.Statistic
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.kudu.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


wireType(Common.DataType) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Allows an alternate Common.DataType to override the Type when serializing the ColumnSchema on the wire.
wireType(Common.DataType) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.AutoIncrementingColumnSchemaBuilder
Allows an alternate Common.DataType to override the Type when serializing the ColumnSchema on the wire.
wireType(Common.DataType) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Allows an alternate Common.DataType to override the Type when serializing the ColumnSchema on the wire.
wireType(Common.DataType) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder
Allows an alternate Common.DataType to override the Type when serializing the ColumnSchema on the wire.
workerCount(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.AsyncKuduClient.AsyncKuduClientBuilder
Set the maximum number of Netty worker threads.
workerCount(int) - Method in class org.apache.kudu.client.KuduClient.KuduClientBuilder
Set the maximum number of worker threads.
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