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abortTask(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputCommitter
AbstractKuduScannerBuilder<S extends AbstractKuduScannerBuilder<? super S,T>,T> - Class in org.kududb.client
Abstract class to extend in order to create builders for scanners.
addBinary(int, byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add binary data with the specified value.
addBinary(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add binary data with the specified value.
addBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a boolean for the specified column.
addBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a boolean for the specified column.
addByte(int, byte) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a byte for the specified column.
addByte(String, byte) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a byte for the specified column.
addColumn(String, Type, Object) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a new column that's not nullable.
addColumnRangePredicate(ColumnRangePredicate) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Adds a predicate for a column.
addColumnRangePredicatesRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Adds a list of predicates in their raw format, as given by ColumnRangePredicate.toByteArray(List).
addDependencyJars(Job) - Static method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableMapReduceUtil
Add the Kudu dependency jars as well as jars for any of the configured job classes to the job configuration, so that JobClient will ship them to the cluster and add them to the DistributedCache.
addDependencyJars(Configuration, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableMapReduceUtil
Add the jars containing the given classes to the job's configuration such that JobClient will ship them to the cluster and add them to the DistributedCache.
addDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an double for the specified column.
addDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an double for the specified column.
addFloat(int, float) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an float for the specified column.
addFloat(String, float) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an float for the specified column.
addHashPartitions(List<String>, int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a set of hash partitions to the table.
addHashPartitions(List<String>, int, int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a set of hash partitions to the table.
addInt(int, int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an int for the specified column.
addInt(String, int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an int for the specified column.
addKuduDependencyJars(Configuration) - Static method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableMapReduceUtil
Add Kudu and its dependencies (only) to the job configuration.
addLong(int, long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an long for the specified column.
addLong(String, long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add an long for the specified column.
addNullableColumn(String, Type) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AlterTableOptions
Add a new column that's nullable, thus has no default value.
addShort(int, short) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a short for the specified column.
addShort(String, short) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a short for the specified column.
addSplitRow(PartialRow) - Method in class org.kududb.client.CreateTableOptions
Add a split point for the table.
addString(int, String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified column.
addString(String, String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified column.
addStringUtf8(int, byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified value, encoded as UTF8.
addStringUtf8(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Add a String for the specified value, encoded as UTF8.
ADMIN_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
alterTable(String, AlterTableOptions) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Alter a table on the cluster as specified by the builder.
alterTable(String, AlterTableOptions) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Alter a table on the cluster as specified by the builder.
AlterTableOptions - Class in org.kududb.client
This builder must be used to alter a table.
AlterTableOptions() - Constructor for class org.kududb.client.AlterTableOptions
AlterTableResponse - Class in org.kududb.client
apply(Operation) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
Apply the given operation.
apply(Operation) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
Blocking call with a different behavior based on the flush mode.
AsyncKuduClient - Class in org.kududb.client
A fully asynchronous and thread-safe client for Kudu.
AsyncKuduScanner - Class in org.kududb.client
Creates a scanner to read data from Kudu.
AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode - Enum in org.kududb.client
The possible read modes for scanners.
AsyncKuduSession - Class in org.kududb.client
A AsyncKuduSession belongs to a specific AsyncKuduClient, and represents a context in which all read/write data access should take place.


batchSizeBytes(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the maximum number of bytes returned by the scanner, on each batch.
build() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
build() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder
Builds a KuduScanner using the passed configurations.


cacheBlocks(boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the block caching policy for the scanner.
checkOutputSpecs(JobContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat
close() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Invokes AsyncKuduClient.shutdown() and waits for the configured admin timeout.
close() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Closes this scanner (don't forget to call this when you're done with it!).
close() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
Flushes the buffered operations and marks this sessions as closed.
close() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Analogous to KuduClient.shutdown().
close() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduScanner
Closes this scanner (don't forget to call this when you're done with it!).
close() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
Blocking call that flushes the buffers (see KuduSession.flush() and closes the sessions.
collectErrors(List<OperationResponse>) - Static method in class org.kududb.client.OperationResponse
Utility method that collects all the row errors from the given list of responses.
ColumnRangePredicate - Class in org.kududb.client
A range predicate on one of the columns in the underlying data.
ColumnRangePredicate(ColumnSchema) - Constructor for class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Create the predicate on the specified column
ColumnSchema - Class in org.kududb
Represents a Kudu Table column.
CommandLineParser - Class in org.kududb.mapreduce
Utility class that manages common configurations to all MR jobs.
CommandLineParser(Configuration) - Constructor for class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Constructor that uses a Configuration that has already been through GenericOptionsParser's command line parsing.
commitTask(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputCommitter
ConnectionResetException - Exception in org.kududb.client
Exception thrown when an RPC was in flight while we got disconnected.
createRecordReader(InputSplit, TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableInputFormat
createSubmittableJob(Configuration, String[]) - Static method in class
Sets up the actual job.
createTable(String, Schema) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Create a table on the cluster with the specified name and schema.
createTable(String, Schema, CreateTableOptions) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Create a table on the cluster with the specified name, schema, and table configurations.
createTable(String, Schema) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Create a table on the cluster with the specified name and schema.
createTable(String, Schema, CreateTableOptions) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Create a table on the cluster with the specified name, schema, and table configurations.
CreateTableOptions - Class in org.kududb.client
This is a builder class for all the options that can be provided while creating a table.
CreateTableOptions() - Constructor for class org.kududb.client.CreateTableOptions
CsvParser - Class in
Column-separated values parser that gives access to the different columns inside each line of data.
CsvParser(String, String) - Constructor for class


DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
DEFAULT_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT_MS - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Delete - Class in org.kududb.client
Class of Operation for whole row removals.
deleteTable(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Delete a table on the cluster with the specified name.
deleteTable(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Delete a table on the cluster with the specified name.
DeleteTableResponse - Class in org.kududb.client
dropColumn(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AlterTableOptions
Drop a column.


EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
encodePrimaryKey() - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Returns the encoded primary key of the row.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
exclusiveUpperBound(PartialRow) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Add an upper bound (exclusive) primary key for the scan.
exclusiveUpperBoundPartitionKeyRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set an encoded (exclusive) end partition key for the scan.
exclusiveUpperBoundRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
ExternalConsistencyMode - Enum in org.kududb.client
The possible external consistency modes on which Kudu operates.


flush() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
Flushes the buffered operations.
flush() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
Blocking call that force flushes this session's buffers.


getAdminOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get the configured timeout for admin operations.
getAsyncClient() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get the async client that created this instance.
getAsyncClient() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get an async client connected to the configured Master(s).
getBatchSizeBytes() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the maximum number of bytes returned by the scanner, on each batch.
getBinary(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's binary data.
getBinary(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's binary data.
getBinaryCopy(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get a copy of the specified column's binary data.
getBinaryCopy(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get a copy of the specified column's binary data.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's boolean
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's boolean
getByte(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's byte
getByte(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's byte
getCacheBlocks() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns if this scanner was configured to cache data blocks or not.
getClient() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get a client connected to the configured Master(s).
getColumn() - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Get the column used by this predicate
getColumn(String) - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the column associated with the specified name
getColumnByIndex(int) - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the column at the specified index in the original list
getColumnCount() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the count of columns in this schema
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the index for the provided column name.
getColumnIndex(int) - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the column index of the column with the provided ID.
getColumnOffset(int) - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the index at which this column can be found in the backing byte array
getColumnProjection() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the schema used for this scanner's column projection.
getColumns() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the list of columns used to create this schema
getColumnType(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the type of a column in this result.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the type of a column in this result.
getCompressionAlgorithm() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Return the compression algorithm of this column, or null if it is not known.
getConf() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableInputFormat
getConf() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat
getDataType() - Method in enum org.kududb.Type
Get the data type from the common's pb
getDefaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the timeout used for admin operations.
getDefaultAdminOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Get the timeout used for admin operations.
getDefaultOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the timeout used for operations on sessions and scanners.
getDefaultOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Get the timeout used for operations on sessions and scanners.
getDefaultSocketReadTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the timeout used when waiting to read data from a socket.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
The Java object representation of the default value that's read
getDeferred() - Method in exception org.kududb.client.PleaseThrottleException
Returns a deferred one can wait on before retrying the failed RPC.
getDesiredBlockSize() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Gets the desired block size for this column.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's double
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's double
getEncoding() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Return the encoding of this column, or null if it is not known.
getEndKey() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
getFailedRpc() - Method in interface org.kududb.client.HasFailedRpcException
Returns the RPC that caused this exception.
getFailedRpc() - Method in exception org.kududb.client.PleaseThrottleException
The RPC that was made to fail with this exception.
getFloat(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's float
getFloat(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's float
getFlushMode() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
getFlushMode() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
getFlushMode() - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Get the current flush mode.
getHelpSnippet() - Static method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
This method returns a single multi-line string that contains the help snippet to append to the tail of a usage() or help() type of method.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's integer
getInt(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's integer
getKuduTable(String) - Static method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat
getLastPropagatedTimestamp() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
getLeaderReplica() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
Return the current leader, or null if there is none.
getLimit() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the maximum number of rows that this scanner was configured to return.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's long If this is a TIMESTAMP column, the long value corresponds to a number of microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getLong(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's long If this is a TIMESTAMP column, the long value corresponds to a number of microseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getLowerBound() - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Get the lower bound in its raw representation
getMasterAddresses() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get the configured master's config.
getMessage() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowError
Get the error message the tablet server sent.
getName() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get this table's name.
getName() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Get the column's name
getName() - Method in enum org.kududb.Type
Get the string representation of this type
getNumReplicas() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get the number of replicas to use when configuring a new table.
getNumRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResultIterator
Get the number of rows in this iterator.
getOperation() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowError
Get the Operation that failed.
getOperationTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get the configured timeout for operations on sessions and scanners.
getOutputCommitter(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat
getPartition() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
getPartitionSchema() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Gets the table's partition schema.
getPrimaryKeyColumnCount() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the count of columns that are part of the primary key.
getPrimaryKeyColumns() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the primary key columns.
getReadMode() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Returns the ReadMode for this scanner.
getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat
getReplicas() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
getResponse() - Method in exception org.kududb.client.InvalidResponseException
Returns the possibly null response received from the server.
getRole() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getRow() - Method in class org.kududb.client.Operation
Get the underlying row to modify.
getRowError() - Method in class org.kududb.client.OperationResponse
Returns a row error.
getRowKeyProjection() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get a schema that only contains the columns which are part of the key
getRowSize() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the size a row built using this schema would be
getRpcHost() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getRpcPort() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
getSchema() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get this table's schema, as of the moment this instance was created.
getSchema() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the schema associated with this result.
getShort(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's short
getShort(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's short
getSize() - Method in enum org.kududb.Type
The size of this type on the wire
getSocketReadTimeoutMs() - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
Get the configured timeout for socket reads.
getSplits(JobContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableInputFormat
getStartKey() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
getStatus() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowError
Get the string-representation of the error code that the tablet server returned.
getString(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's string.
getString(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get the specified column's string.
getTableFromContext(TaskInputOutputContext) - Static method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableMapReduceUtil
Use this method when setting up a task to get access to the KuduTable in order to create Inserts, Updates, and Deletes.
getTableId() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get this table's unique identifier.
getTablesList() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the list of all the tables.
getTablesList(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get a list of table names.
getTablesList() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Get the list of all the tables.
getTablesList(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Get a list of table names.
getTablesList() - Method in class org.kududb.client.ListTablesResponse
Get the list of tables as specified in the request.
getTabletId() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
getTabletServersCount() - Method in class org.kududb.client.ListTabletServersResponse
Get the count of tablet servers as reported by the master.
getTabletServersList() - Method in class org.kududb.client.ListTabletServersResponse
Get the list of tablet servers, as represented by their hostname.
getTabletsLocations(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get all the tablets for this table.
getTabletsLocations(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get all or some tablets for this table.
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Get the current timeout.
getTsUUID() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowError
Get the identifier of the tablet server that sent the error.
getType() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Get the column's Type
getTypeForDataType(Common.DataType) - Static method in enum org.kududb.Type
Convert the pb DataType to a Type
getUpperBound() - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Get the upper bound in its raw representation
getVarLengthColumnCount() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Get the count of columns with variable length (BINARY/STRING) in this schema.
getWriteTimestamp() - Method in class org.kududb.client.OperationResponse
Gives the write timestamp that was returned by the Tablet Server.


hasColumnIds() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Tells whether this schema includes IDs for columns.
HasFailedRpcException - Interface in org.kududb.client
Interface implemented by KuduExceptions that can tell you which RPC failed.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
hasMoreRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Tells if the last rpc returned that there might be more rows to scan.
hasMoreRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduScanner
Tells if the last rpc returned that there might be more rows to scan.
hasNext() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResultIterator
hasNullableColumns() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Tells if there's at least one nullable column
hasPendingOperations() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
hasPendingOperations() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
hasPendingOperations() - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Check if there are operations that haven't been completely applied.
hasRowError() - Method in class org.kududb.client.OperationResponse
Tells if this operation response contains a row error.


ImportCsv - Class in
Map-only job that reads CSV files and inserts them into a single Kudu table.
ImportCsv() - Constructor for class
Insert - Class in org.kududb.client
Represents a single row insert.
InterfaceAudience - Class in org.kududb.annotations
Annotation to inform users of a package, class or method's intended audience.
InterfaceStability - Class in org.kududb.annotations
Annotation to inform users of how much to rely on a particular package, class or method not changing over time.
InterfaceStability() - Constructor for class org.kududb.annotations.InterfaceStability
InvalidResponseException - Exception in org.kududb.client
Exception used when the server sends an invalid response to an RPC.
isAlterTableDone(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Helper method that checks and waits until the completion of an alter command.
isAlterTableDone(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Helper method that checks and waits until the completion of an alter command.
IsAlterTableDoneResponse - Class in org.kududb.client
Response to a isAlterTableDone command to use to know if an alter table is currently running on the specified table.
isClosed() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
isClosed() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
isClosed() - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Returns true if this session has already been closed.
isDone() - Method in class org.kududb.client.IsAlterTableDoneResponse
Tells if the table is done being altered or not.
isIgnoreAllDuplicateRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
isIgnoreAllDuplicateRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
isIgnoreAllDuplicateRows() - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Tells if the session is currently ignoring row errors when the whole list returned by a tablet server is of the AlreadyPresent type.
isKey() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column part of the key
isNull(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get if the specified column is NULL
isNull(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Get if the specified column is NULL
isNullable() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
Answers if the column can be set to null
iterator() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResultIterator


KuduClient - Class in org.kududb.client
A synchronous and thread-safe client for Kudu.
KuduException - Exception in org.kududb.client
The parent class of all RuntimeException created by this package.
KuduScanner - Class in org.kududb.client
Synchronous version of AsyncKuduScanner.
KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder - Class in org.kududb.client
A Builder class to build KuduScanner.
KuduServerException - Exception in org.kududb.client
This class is used for errors sent in response to a RPC.
KuduSession - Class in org.kududb.client
Synchronous version of AsyncKuduSession.
KuduTable - Class in org.kududb.client
A KuduTable represents a table on a particular cluster.
KuduTableInputFormat - Class in org.kududb.mapreduce
This input format generates one split per tablet and the only location for each split is that tablet's leader.
KuduTableInputFormat() - Constructor for class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableInputFormat
KuduTableMapReduceUtil - Class in org.kududb.mapreduce
Utility class to setup MR jobs that use Kudu as an input and/or output.
KuduTableOutputCommitter - Class in org.kududb.mapreduce
Small committer class that does not do anything.
KuduTableOutputCommitter() - Constructor for class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputCommitter
KuduTableOutputFormat - Class in org.kududb.mapreduce
Use KuduTableMapReduceUtil.TableOutputFormatConfigurator to correctly setup this output format, then KuduTableMapReduceUtil.getTableFromContext(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskInputOutputContext) to get a KuduTable.
KuduTableOutputFormat() - Constructor for class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat


limit(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets a limit on the number of rows that will be returned by the scanner.
ListTablesResponse - Class in org.kududb.client
listTabletServers() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Get the list of running tablet servers.
listTabletServers() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Get the list of running tablet servers.
ListTabletServersResponse - Class in org.kududb.client
LocatedTablet - Class in org.kududb.client
Information about the locations of tablets in a Kudu table.
LocatedTablet.Replica - Class in org.kududb.client
One of the replicas of the tablet.
LOG - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
LOG - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
LOG - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
LOG - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
lowerBound(PartialRow) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Add a lower bound (inclusive) primary key for the scan.
lowerBoundPartitionKeyRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set an encoded (inclusive) start partition key for the scan.
lowerBoundRaw(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder


main(String[]) - Static method in class
MASTER_ADDRESSES_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
MASTER_ADDRESSES_KEY - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
MasterErrorException - Exception in org.kududb.client
This exception is thrown when a Master responds to an RPC with an error message


needsTaskCommit(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputCommitter
newDelete() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get a new delete configured with this table's schema.
newInsert() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get a new insert configured with this table's schema.
newPartialRow() - Method in class org.kududb.Schema
Creates a new partial row for the schema.
newScannerBuilder(KuduTable) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Creates a new AsyncKuduScanner.AsyncKuduScannerBuilder for a particular table.
newScannerBuilder(KuduTable) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Creates a new KuduScanner.KuduScannerBuilder for a particular table.
newSession() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Create a new session for interacting with the cluster.
newSession() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Create a new session for interacting with the cluster.
newUpdate() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduTable
Get a new update configured with this table's schema.
next() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResultIterator
nextRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
Scans a number of rows.
nextRows() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduScanner
Scans a number of rows.
NO_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
NoLeaderMasterFoundException - Exception in org.kududb.client
Indicates that the request failed because we couldn't find a leader master server.
NonRecoverableException - Exception in org.kududb.client
NUM_REPLICAS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
NUM_REPLICAS_KEY - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser


openTable(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Open the table with the given name.
openTable(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Open the table with the given name.
Operation - Class in org.kududb.client
Base class for the RPCs that related to WriteRequestPB.
OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
OPERATION_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
OperationResponse - Class in org.kududb.client
org.kududb - package org.kududb
org.kududb.annotations - package org.kududb.annotations
org.kududb.client - package org.kududb.client
org.kududb.mapreduce - package org.kududb.mapreduce - package
org.kududb.util - package org.kududb.util


parse(byte[], int) - Method in class
Creates a ParsedLine of a line of data.
PartialRow - Class in org.kududb.client
Class used to represent parts of a row along with its schema.
PartialRow(Schema) - Constructor for class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
This is not a stable API, prefer using Schema.newPartialRow() to create a new partial row.
partitionKey() - Method in class org.kududb.client.Operation
pbVersion() - Method in enum org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode
pbVersion() - Method in enum org.kududb.client.ExternalConsistencyMode
PleaseThrottleException - Exception in org.kududb.client
This exception notifies the application to throttle its use of Kudu.
prefetching(boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Enables prefetching of rows for the scanner, i.e.


readMode(AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the read mode, the default is to read the latest values.
RecoverableException - Exception in org.kududb.client
An exception for which it's typically useful to retry
remove() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResultIterator
renameColumn(String, String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AlterTableOptions
Change the name of a column.
renameTable(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AlterTableOptions
Change a table's name.
RowError - Class in org.kududb.client
Wrapper class for a single row error.
RowResult - Class in org.kududb.client
RowResult represents one row from a scanner.
RowResultIterator - Class in org.kududb.client
Class that contains the rows sent by a tablet server, exhausting this iterator only means that all the rows from the last server response were read.
rowToString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Return the actual data from this row in a stringified key=value form.
run(String[]) - Method in class


scanRequestTimeout(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets how long each scan request to a server can last.
Schema - Class in org.kududb
Represents table's schema which is essentially a list of columns.
Schema(List<ColumnSchema>) - Constructor for class org.kududb.Schema
Constructs a schema using the specified columns and does some internal accounting
Schema(List<ColumnSchema>, List<Integer>) - Constructor for class org.kududb.Schema
Constructs a schema using the specified columns and IDs.
SessionConfiguration - Interface in org.kududb.client
Interface that defines the methods used to configure a session.
SessionConfiguration.FlushMode - Enum in org.kududb.client
setConf(Configuration) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableInputFormat
setConf(Configuration) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputFormat
setExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the new external consistency mode for this session.
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setFlushInterval(int) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the flush interval, which will be used for the next scheduling decision.
setFlushMode(SessionConfiguration.FlushMode) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setFlushMode(SessionConfiguration.FlushMode) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setFlushMode(SessionConfiguration.FlushMode) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the new flush mode for this session.
setIgnoreAllDuplicateRows(boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setIgnoreAllDuplicateRows(boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setIgnoreAllDuplicateRows(boolean) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Configures the option to ignore all the row errors if they are all of the AlreadyPresent type.
setLowerBound(boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a boolean for the lower bound
setLowerBound(byte) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a byte for the lower bound
setLowerBound(short) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a short for the lower bound
setLowerBound(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set an int for the lower bound
setLowerBound(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a long for the lower bound If 'lowerBound' is a timestamp see PartialRow.addLong(String, long) for the format.
setLowerBound(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a string for the lower bound
setLowerBound(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a binary value for the lower bound
setLowerBound(float) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a float for the lower bound
setLowerBound(double) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a double for the lower bound
setMutationBufferLowWatermark(float) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setMutationBufferLowWatermark(float) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setMutationBufferLowWatermark(float) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the low watermark for this session.
setMutationBufferSpace(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setMutationBufferSpace(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setMutationBufferSpace(int) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Set the number of operations that can be buffered.
setNull(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Set the specified column to null
setNull(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.PartialRow
Set the specified column to null
setNumReplicas(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.CreateTableOptions
Sets the number of replicas that each tablet will have.
setProjectedColumnIndexes(List<Integer>) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set which columns will be read by the Scanner.
setProjectedColumnNames(List<String>) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Set which columns will be read by the Scanner.
setRangePartitionColumns(List<String>) - Method in class org.kududb.client.CreateTableOptions
Set the columns on which the table will be range-partitioned.
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduSession
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduSession
setTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in interface org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration
Sets the timeout for the next applied operations.
setupJob(JobContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputCommitter
setUpperBound(boolean) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a boolean for the upper bound
setUpperBound(byte) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a byte for the upper bound
setUpperBound(short) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a short for the upper bound
setUpperBound(int) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set an int for the upper bound
setUpperBound(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a long for the upper bound If 'upperBound' is a timestamp see PartialRow.addLong(String, long) for the format.
setUpperBound(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a string for the upper bound
setUpperBound(byte[]) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a binary value for the upper bound
setUpperBound(float) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a float for the upper bound
setUpperBound(double) - Method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Set a double for the upper bound
setupTask(TaskAttemptContext) - Method in class org.kududb.mapreduce.KuduTableOutputCommitter
shutdown() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Performs a graceful shutdown of this instance.
shutdown() - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Performs a graceful shutdown of this instance.
SLEEP_TIME - Static variable in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
snapshotTimestampMicros(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets the timestamp the scan must be executed at, in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
snapshotTimestampRaw(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AbstractKuduScannerBuilder
Sets a previously encoded HT timestamp as a snapshot timestamp, for tests.
SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser
SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT_MS_KEY - Static variable in class org.kududb.mapreduce.CommandLineParser


tableExists(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Test if a table exists.
tableExists(String) - Method in class org.kududb.client.KuduClient
Test if a table exists.
TableReducer<KEYIN,VALUEIN,KEYOUT> - Class in org.kududb.mapreduce
TableReducer() - Constructor for class org.kududb.mapreduce.TableReducer
TabletServerErrorException - Exception in org.kududb.client
This exception is thrown by Tablet Servers when something goes wrong processing a request.
toByteArray(List<ColumnRangePredicate>) - Static method in class org.kududb.client.ColumnRangePredicate
Converts a list of predicates into an opaque byte array.
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet.Replica
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.LocatedTablet
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowError
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResultIterator
toString() - Method in class org.kududb.ColumnSchema
toString() - Method in enum org.kududb.Type
toStringLongFormat() - Method in class org.kududb.client.RowResult
Type - Enum in org.kududb
Describes all the types available to build table schemas.


Update - Class in org.kududb.client
Operation to update columns on an existing row.
updateLastPropagatedTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduClient
Updates the last timestamp received from a server.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kududb.client.ExternalConsistencyMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration.FlushMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kududb.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.kududb.client.AsyncKuduScanner.ReadMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kududb.client.ExternalConsistencyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kududb.client.SessionConfiguration.FlushMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kududb.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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